Reviews: 363 reviews

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So thankful for a competent team who is kind not only to the patient, but the whole family!

They are very good at what they do and I love coming in and seeing bear the dog!

Would definetly recommend:-)

So far my experiences at Bauer Orthodontics are great! They're always considerate to how the patients feel with the braces and the quality is great. It is a miracle to be able to have Bauer Orthodontics fix my cross bite, under-bite, and overall very crooked teeth. I never thought my teeth would look this nice and I haven't even gotten my bottoms on yet! I think anyone who is looking for orthodontic care should definitely consider having a visit. There is also a great rewards program and you could earn up to getting free gift cards and such by just bringing your Bauer Orthodontic card and wearing your Bauer Orthodontic shirt.